Thursday, October 27, 2022

407. Lent 5 (Series B)

The lessons for this service are Jeremiah 31:31-34, Hebrews 5:1-10 and Mark 10:35-45 (optional 32-34). The tune is HIER LIEG ICH, from Geistliche Lieder und Kirchengesänge (Hof, 1608), as used by the Australian Lutherans with the hymn "Before Thee, God, who knowest all."

Christ, who is Highest, Loveliest, Best,
Knelt down and humbly served the rest.
The cup He drank was sin and wrath;
Pain, blood and death His cleansing bath.
If you desire a lofty throne,
Let this truth cut you to the bone!

He came to serve, not to be served,
To pay the debt for sin reserved;
His life for all mankind the price,
His death a worthy sacrifice.
If you feel vexed and put-upon,
Behold the burden of God's Son!

Seek not the softest place and first,
When Your God hung in shame and thirst!
Were you the slave of one and all,
Nearer to Christ your lot would fall.
Oh, that we had both heart and nerve
To follow Him and truly serve!

Let this console our griefs and fears:
Christ offered prayers and cries and tears
As our High Priest, once and for all,
Thus saving those who on Him call.
He writes His will upon our hearts
And trains our hands to servant arts.

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