Tuesday, October 25, 2022

403. Lent 1 (Series B)

The lessons for this service are Genesis 22:1-18, James 1:12-18 and Mark 1:9-15. The tune is SUBSTITUTION, whipped up in a hurry by yours truly just now, because I didn't care to reuse the tunes in this meter that I've previously called upon; they just seemed too perky for the purpose. Please let me know if you spot any egregious voice-leading errors; this whole performance was improvised on (computer) keyboard and I haven't even played it on the piano yet!

God, who once Abraham desired
To offer up his son,
Relented; of Himself required
His own Begotten One.
(Refrain:) "Upon the mountain of the Lord,
God will Himself the Lamb afford."

When Jesus in the Jordan bathed,
Embarking on His way,
He rose up in repentance swathed,
Our penalty to pay. (Refrain)

The heavens opened: as a dove
The Spirit hove in view.
The Father's voice spoke from above:
"Son, I AM pleased with You." (Refrain)

For forty days He kept the fast,
By desert creatures trailed.
He faced the tempter's test and passed;
Where Adam fell, prevailed. (Refrain)

Of time fulfilled, of kingdom come
He preached in Galilee,
For Israël and heathendom
The Lamb prepared to be. (Refrain)

Repent then, you who know your worth,
Who know your sin and grieve!
Christ Jesus has redeemed the earth;
The glad, good news believe! (Refrain)

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