Thursday, September 29, 2022

358. Proper 10 (Series A)

The readings for this Sunday (between July 10 and 16) are Isaiah 55:10-13, Romans 8:12-17 and Matthew 13:1-9 and 18-23, the Parable of the Sower. I've already written a "Sower Hymn" as well as a (most likely unsignable) paraphrase of Isaiah 55, so it's the Epistle I'm mostly focusing on this time. The tune is BETHANY by Henry Smart (1867), not to be confused with a tune by the same name (a.k.a. NEARER, MY GOD) by Lowell Mason (1856). I've found Smart's tune paired with six hymns in four Lutheran books, including "I will sing my Maker's praises" and, if you'll believe it, "What a friend we have in Jesus." I'd probably be lynched if I played the latter to that tune in church. Which is sad, because I think it's superior to CONVERSE. Check it out for yourself.

Brethren, we are not indebted
To the flesh, to live its way,
Which but sin and death abetted
Till the Spirit won the day.
For the flesh's way of living
Leads but into death and hell;
While the Spirit's work is giving
Sinful deeds their shroud and knell.

Now the sons of God are being
By His Spirit led and moved:
Not by fear or force, but freeing
Us to feel adopted, loved.
'Tis the Spirit's trusty story
That we are God's heirs indeed,
Sharing Jesus' cross and glory
As His own adopted seed.

Let us then go out rejoicing
And come in again at peace!
Join the hills, His praises voicing,
And applaud Him like the trees!
Though our flesh, the world and Satan
Seek God's planting to uproot,
It lies in His word to greaten
Faith in us and all its fruit.

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