Friday, September 23, 2022

349. Pentecost Hymn (Series A)

The LSB 3-year lectionary calls this service Day of Pentecost; but like Easter Day, it's also a Sunday, so it qualifies for my "hymn for every Sunday of the 3-year" project, while the propers for Pentecost Eve, Pentecost Evening/Monday and Pentecost Tuesday will have to wait for a separate series of hymns on the feast days of the church year. Let it be known that Pentecost is what the "old hymnal" called Whitsunday (Whitmonday, Whittuesday etc.), is the 50th day of Easter and goes back to Judaism, where it's known as the Feast of Weeks or Shavuot.

I previously wrote a Pentecost Hymn (here) tying in its Old Testament significance (the giving of the Law at Mount Sinai, 50 days after Passover) with its New Testament ditto (the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the first church after Christ's ascension). So that pretty much wraps up the Epistle lesson, Acts 2:1-21. So in this hymn, I focus on the other two lessons, Numbers 11:24-30 and John 7:37-39. The tune is MED STRAALE-KRANS OM TINDE by Ludvig M. Lindeman (†1887), also known as ALL GLORY, LAUD. The Concordia Hymnal used it with two texts, "All glory, laud and honor" and "How good it is for brethren."

"If anyone is thirsty,"
Said Christ, "Let him believe
And come to Me, and rivers
Of living drink receive."

He said this of the Spirit
Upon a holy feast
Where, later, His outpouring
The holy flock increased.

The Spirit brings refreshment
And causes faith to grow,
Poured into hearts past measure,
Still more His outward flow.

He takes from Christ, returning
Our faith and praise to Him;
He knits us in one Body
And animates each limb.

If there be distant members
Who taste of Christ thereby,
O faithful, be not jealous,
E'en if they prophesy.

For lo, this living Water
Is poured in such supply
That He shall reach His purpose
Before Christ rends the sky.

And then, to God the Father,
The Spirit and the Son,
We'll swell the endless praises
Already here begun.

EDIT: Here's that tune. Excuse its tardiness.

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