Sunday, November 20, 2022

445. Confirmation Hymn

Here's a hymn outside the run of "Series A, B and C" lectionary hymns that I've been meditating on for a little bit. The tune is the other SCHWING DICH AUF – not the one I used here – by Johann Georg Ebeling (1666). TLH paired it with "Come, ye faithful, raise the strain," while Australian LH used it for "With the Lord thy task begin." Their versions of the tune are slightly different; I'm following the Australian LH version, which is a little more interesting rhythmically, and also in a more comfortable key.

Christ, to You we here commend
These fresh-armored forces.
Send them where You choose to send;
Guide them on their courses.
Let what You gave on the cross
Be their constant ration;
On their hearts Yourself emboss
And their lives refashion.

Let them on Your teachings feed,
Keeping Your commandments,
And, committed to Your creed,
Spurn the world's enchantments;
Pray at all times, and confess;
Trust Your absolution;
Wear baptism as daily dress,
Cleansed of all pollution.

Let them run to gain a crown
That will never perish;
Box their flesh, and when knocked down,
Your forgiveness cherish;
Answer gently when reviled,
Your closeness discerning;
Always know they are Your child,
To their home returning.

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