Wednesday, November 16, 2022

438. Proper 23 (Series B)

The lessons for this service, a Sunday after Trinity during Oct. 9-15, are Amos 5:6-7 and 10-15, Hebrews 3:12-19 and Mark 10:17-22. The tune is EXHORTATION, a little ditty I improvised just now.

Beware, while it is called "today,"
Lest unbelief lead you astray,
Lest sin's deceit or evil heart
The lambs of Jesus draw apart.
Exhort each other and rejoice
Today, if You will hear His voice!

Exhort each other, and partake
Of confidence for Jesus' sake;
For righteousness by works is vain,
And though the law's rebuke gives pain,
With love we prick each other's pride
That all may in Christ's love confide.

Behold the love in Jesus' eyes
As He the rich young man makes wise,
Who Law's strict letter never marred,
Yet took Christ's exhortation hard.
May we Your precept, Lord, obey,
That no false god lead us astray!

Exhort us, that our sins we may
In penitence before You lay,
Our doubt, our self-regard unload
With our pet idols on the road
Until, set free from inward vice,
We enter into Paradise.

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