Saturday, November 12, 2022

431. Proper 16 (Series B)

The lessons for this service, a Sunday after Trinity during Aug. 21-27, are Isaiah 29:11-19, Ephesians 5:22-33 and Mark 7:1-13. The tune is OLD 120TH from the English Psalter (London, 1570), which TLH, the Austrlian LH and CWALH paired with Frances Havergal's hymn "I gave My life for Thee," a hymn I've always disliked for two reasons – first, it puts words in Jesus' mouth and then has us sing them to ourselves; and also, it makes Him sound like a whiny Jewish mum. The tune, however, seems innocent enough to try building new associations with it.

Dear Christ, by Whose Amen
Vain logic is destroyed,
Let no precept of men
The word of God make void;
For we by faith are freed
To follow where You lead.

As pious wives defer
To husbands as their head,
Let us, dear Lord, concur
With all that You have said.
For You our bodies save
From scandal, shame and grave.

As pious husbands seek
How best to serve their wives,
You, Lord, with love unique
Yourself gave for our lives.
Now join us to Your flesh;
With grace Your church refresh.

Come, Bridegroom! Lest you find
Your bride's resolve grown weak.
From darkness lead the blind;
Let deaf ears hear You speak;
Grant that the meek and poor
Rejoice forevermore.

EDIT: I missed a milestone here. This is the 100th hymn in the "Every Sunday of the LSB 3-Year Series" hymn project, not counting those feast days that might fall on a Sunday (i.e., Christmas and Epiphany).

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