It isn't the athletics department. Men's football, basketball, and baseball bring in too much money, and the law requires them to fund women's athletics equally (though other sports may suffer as a consequence).
- It isn't the maths and sciences, business-related courses, or industrial arts, which so immediately pertain to the future careers of their students.
- It isn't health, P.E., or social studies, which bear so much of the ideological burden that educational leaders want to pass on to our kids.
This reasoning has led many school boards to make very, very poor judgment calls. Without the skills, the knowledge, and the spirit imparted by a study of the humanities, they are preparing their students to be poorer human beings in so many ways. And, in my view, they are also hurting their future career prospects. Not only do the humanities impart potentially lucrative career skills, they also inoculate young people with an inner life that will enable them better to spend the leisure time their successful careers afford them.
In short, a study of the humanities prepares people to have a good life -- and to enjoy it once they've got it.

How about art and music? Aren't choir and band merely forms of torture to which anyone who isn't completely tone-deaf must submit in order to meet graduation requirements? And isn't art simply the alternative for the tone-deaf kids? Only the "gay" kids really like this stuff, right?
Wrong. Being able to make music and/or visual art is one of the things that makes us human. The less we have these things in our lives, the less human we will be. And only a program that encourages children to strive for the highest standards in art and music will furnish our next generation with a world that has more variety in it, rather than less; more liberty, more meaning, more happiness, more intuition of the unseen and unspoken. If we take these things away or lower the standards, our world will tend to become grayer, dryer, more homogeneous, and more susceptible to a thought-destroying, misery-inflicting, cynically destructive regime.

Music also gives career advantages to those who study it. Good pianists and organists can often make a bit of extra money as accompanists for church services, choirs, theater groups, and public places where live music is offered. Other musicians and singers may also score some work in the fields of advertising, entertainment, church work, and increasingly also medicine! But apart from jobs that actually involve making music, practicing musicians will often be noticed for having stronger hands, greater lung capacity, and better eye-hand coordination than the average person. This can boost careers in sports, clerical work, mass transit, industrial labor, surgery, and the exploration of extreme environments, among other fields. Plus, they may be handy to have at parties, especially when the conversation starts to die.

And when it comes to choosing our leaders, we should hope to find people who have a spark of humanity in them, a love of the variety and diversity in culture and in life-experience. After all, we want them to protect our freedom to disagree with their beliefs and aims, to pursue our own goals, and to achieve whatever happiness we reasonably can. People who have read widely, who appreciate excellence and originality in the fine arts, and who can apply a disciplined mind to solving complex problems - people like musicians, artists, and authors - might make great leaders! And these are the first programs the budget committee cuts???
1 comment:
God bless you for writing this article ~ in my not-so-smart third world country, it is in fact just as you say ~ when they have to make budget cuts for education, they do it in the humanities ~ they figure students won't need art, music or literature to get a job when they get out of school ~ the humanities aren't seen as *practical* I share the dismay of a friend of mine taking the teacher licensure exam who discovered that next to no art at all is covered by our government's education program ~ precisely because it isn't deemed *practical* ~ freakin' idiots 0_o
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