This hymn is by the Danish poet Hans Adolf Brorson (1694-1764) who also wrote the beloved hymns “Behold, a host arrayed in white” and “I walk in danger all the way.” The words can be sung to a Norwegian folk song. Here is Olav Lee’s translation:
Anxious heart, be rid of sadness,
Let us haste to Calvary;
There receive the peace and gladness
Which His passion offers thee.
For the weary, vexed and needy
Free salvation here abounds,
To the fount of solace speed thee,
In the blessed Savior’s wounds.
Thou, O gentle, loving, holy
Lamb of God, for me hast died;
For my sin and shame Thou solely
Here hast fully satisfied.
Hence I, trusting in Thy favor,
Safe thro’ life and death shall go,
Mindful of Thy suff’ring ever
I shall vanquish all my woe.
IMAGE: Turner, Joseph Mallord William (1775-1851). Snow Storm - Steam-Boat off a Harbour's Mouth. Exhibited 1842. Oil on canvas, 91.4 x 121.9 cm. Location: Tate Gallery, London, Great Britain. Photo Credit: Clore Collection, Tate Gallery, London / Art Resource, NY
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