Wednesday, July 10, 2024

510. Color Psalm

Since I was versifying with metaphors based on the primary colors of flavor, I thought it made sense to also explore color as such. I meant to write a hymn for children and youth, but I don't think it turned out that way. But whatever. I don't have any particular tune in mind, as I write this, but I'm sure a suitable tune will turn up sometime.

Gray was the disordered deep
O'er whose face the Spirit swept.
Then God called as if from sleep
All that flew and swam and crept—
Called from nothing, fresh and new,
Every color, shade and hue.

Who knows now what tints were seen
In that first blush of the earth:
What varieties of green,
Purples, oranges, took birth!
But we know, to mankind's cost,
How that paradise was lost.

Black were Adam's guilt, Eve's grief
When sin entered, bringing death.
Even then, God vowed relief,
Hope borne on the Spirit's breath:
Dying, rising from the dead,
Christ would crush the serpent's head.

Blue the worldwide ocean stood
O'er the highest mountain's crown,
Rainbow pledging that no flood
Would so many sinners drown
Till the baptized close their eyes;
Till the slain in Christ arise.

Red the blood of Jesus fell,
Washing our stained garments white.
Easter burst the gates of hell,
Death's cheek paling at the sight.
He who went up will come down,
Giving us a golden crown.

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