Thursday, December 29, 2022

466. Easter Day (Series C)

The lessons for this Sunday are Isaiah 65:17-25, 1 Corinthians 15:19-26 and Luke 24:1-12. The tune is WESTMINSTER ABBEY by Henry Purcell (†1695), which was paired with "In His temple now behold Him" in LW, CWALH and LSB, with "Christ is made the sure Foundation" in CWALH, LSB, ELW and CWH, and with "Light of Light, O Sole-Begotten" in LSB.

Alleluia! Christ is living,
Having suffered in our stead!
Rise, guilt-stricken hearts and grieving:
Praise the Firstborn from the dead!
Hear the glad good news, believing,
And partake of living Bread!

Firstfruits of all them who slumber,
Christ has answered for our debt.
Adam's children in full number
Toil no more 'neath thrall and threat,
For the bond that us encumbers
Jesus' blood has more than met.

Now begins a new creation:
Weeping will give place to joy.
No more, in God's holy nation,
Shall they injure or destroy.
Safe from death and desolation,
Fruitful efforts we'll employ.

Christ is risen, yea, ascended
To the right hand of the Lord,
Whence, all rule and power ended,
Will death's captives be restored,
Gathered to that vision splendid
Where for aye He is adored.

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