Thursday, December 22, 2022

459. Epiphany 8 (Series C)

The lessons for this Sunday are Jeremiah 7:1-7 (optional 8-15), 1 Corinthians 15:42-52 (optional 53-58) and Luke 6:39-49. The tune is LOBET DEN HERREN, ALLE by Johann Crüger (1653), which the 1973 Australian LH paired with "Let us, O Father, never be confounded" and SBH with "O God be with us, for the night is falling."

Not all who call Christ "Lord" are well instructed,
But those whose lives are by His word conducted:
These, like a house deep on the bedrock founded,
Share strength unsounded.

These, though the flood its currents hurl against them,
Stand sure as when their Architect commenced them;
While those built on the surface are confounded,
To splinters pounded.

Christ, stir our hearts, who hear your prophets speaking:
Bid us amend our ways, Your precepts seeking,
That all we do may be in Your word rooted
And richly fruited.

Then, at Your trumpet's wondrous interruption,
Let all who wait inherit incorruption:
All in a twinkling into life translating
And recreating.

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