Monday, December 26, 2022

461. Lent 1 (Series C)

The lessons for this Sunday are Deuteronomy 26:1-11, Romans 10:8b-13 and Luke 4:1-13. The tune is ES GEHT DAHER DES TAGES SCHEIN, a 15th century melody found in a Bohemian Brethren book of 1519, which I cribbed from the SELK hymnal.

On Jesus in the wilderness
Let heart believe and tongue confess:
Armed with the word He stood the trial
And turned aside the serpent's guile.

"Be You God's Son," the devil said,
"Why hunger? Change these stones to bread!"
Said Jesus, "Not in bread alone,
But in God's word man's life is known."

The devil said, "Bow down to me;
The world I'll give You, fair to see."
Yet from the cross Christ did not swerve,
But said: "God only shall you serve."

Said Satan, "Leap down from on high;
Your angels' sworn protection try."
But thrice prevailing by God's word,
The Son replied, "Tempt not the Lord."

Thus Satan's "Did God truly say?"
And Adam's fall are put away;
The woman's Seed has drawn the fang
From which sin's mortal venom sprang.

By forty days of desert fast
Christ answers Eden's test at last,
Our exodus has walked anew,
The promised land disclosed to view.

At this, no doubt, the angels thrill:
All righteousness will He fulfill.
The foe cannot o'er Him prevail,
Who works salvation without fail.

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