ANSWER: Don't be a dumbass. We're fighting against evil. Evil that has killed thousands of innocent people and intends to kill more. It isn't going to stop being evil if we pull out. Its servants aren't going to stop trying to kill us and destroy our way of life if we back off and appease them. Neville Chamberlain tried that, right? And how did that work out? To do the same with today's forces of oppression and terror would only give them more room to do their evil worst. And if our society can no longer make sacrifices to fight against it, evil is close to beating us already.
QUESTION: Wouldn't legalizing drugs solve the problem of drug-related crime?

QUESTION: But don't you think that, once legalized, the drugs could be regulated so that they are not used harmfully?
ANSWER: Don't be a dumbass. If the harmful drugs are getting to people when they're illegal, they will find a way around your regulations and, even as legal drugs, will still be used illegally and harmfully. The only difference will be a higher class of criminals who, while publicly distributing drugs according to government regulations, are privately running a tax-free, unregulated drug trade under the counter. The mental, physical, social, and economic damage will still go on, only with the connivance and complicity of your own government.

ANSWER: Don't be a dumbass. The reason the immigration laws were passed was to protect the citizens of this country. To say the laws shouldn't be enforced is to say that our country shouldn't protect its citizens. Plus, the reality is, illegal immigrants aren't motivated by a desire to become U.S. citizens. They come either to benefit themselves or their families back at home, or (in many cases) to be exploited by the people who send them across the border. And by benefiting themselves, I don't mean pursuing the American dream (see next Q&A). They benefit themselves, their families, or their exploiters by working in the sex trade, or by serving the illegal drug trade, or by cutting the throats (job-market-wise) of documented aliens and U.S. citizens by taking less money under the table to do the most menial jobs. Some of them are stealing government benefits from the legal residents who really deserve them. And more and more often, they bring gang violence across the border where innocent Americans can get caught in the crossfire. You don't think this should be stopped?

ANSWER: Don't be a dumbass. The reason this country has been so prosperous is that the American dream actually worked. By "American dream" I mean the idea that, through hard work, a little luck, and freedom from the power of an overreaching government, any individual can become more than he was. The "American dream" has brought about the most change for the better in the least number of years of any experiment in history. And it's not as though Americans' willingness to give hasn't already benefited every country in the world beyond its wildest dreams. Envy us as they will, we owe them nothing--except China, of course...

ANSWER: Don't be a dumbass. Marriage is a religious institution, commanded by God. The people who really care about it, as a matter of the deepest conscience, believe what the Bible says about it: "Male and female He created them" (Genesis 1:27); "Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh" (Genesis 2:24); "Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate" (Matthew 19:6). Marriage is a 'mystery' signifying the union between Christ and His bride, the Church (Ephesians 5:22-33); the nucleus of society and wellspring of proper conduct (Colossians 3:18-21); and when properly ordered, gives both husband and wife the best opportunity to build each other up in the fear of God (1 Peter 3:1-7). The "gay marriage" issue isn't about pensions, benefits, and inheritances; all that can be handled without redefining marriage. The real issue is whether our government has a right to abolish an article of the faith and require an entire society, including believing Christians and Jews, to alter their beliefs about marriage.

ANSWER: Consider it good practice for when the religious fundamentalists and political fascists whose evil you want to appease and accommodate destroy our country and institute Sharia law. If you think Biblical marriage is medieval, just wait! Meanwhile, if your idea of enlightenment is to allow the Faculty of Gender Studies to open up a satellite campus on every U.S. military base, so that interminable homilies on identity politics can replace the clipped, tight-lipped sound of soldiers and sailors doing their duty, your wait won't be very long.
QUESTION: Wait a minute! Why shouldn't the U.S. military admit openly gay servicepeople? Wouldn't it be great if Congress had the guts to repeal the injustice of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"?

QUESTION: But surely, you can see that these laws dictating how people can and can't love are unjust and violate our citizens' liberty and basic constitutional rights?
ANSWER: Don't be a dumbass. Laws against that sort of thing have been on the books in every society, including ours, since the beginning of time. If these were basic human rights, don't you think someone would have noticed before? Either there has never been a truly just, decent, or free society until now, or you're dreaming anachronistic dreams when you try to read the come-lately pro-gay ideology back into the Founding Fathers, etc. My fear is that the more our judiciary conjures up novel "freedoms" and "rights," the less our citizens will enjoy the really basic freedoms and rights that generations of loyal Americans have bequeathed on us: freedom of speech, of the press, of religion, etc.

ANSWER: I don't know why I bother talking to such a dumbass. The Fourth Amendment is supposed to protect us from unreasonable search and seizure. But we're supposed to let airport security frisk us, or at least digitally strip-search us (and revealing photos of passengers have already found their way to the internet), without giving any probable cause to be suspected of anything. Real criminals get off the hook every day because the searches that discovered evidence of their crimes were "fruit of the poisoned tree," but law-abiding grandmas have to get x-rayed or felt up if they want to see Boca Raton by Christmas.
QUESTION: Aren't you missing the point here? Everybody equally has to submit to searches and scans, otherwise the security staff will have to resort to racial profiling; and that would be unjust, wouldn't it?

QUESTION: You're not a very nice person, are you? This is why I don't like talking to conservatives. They get so angry about anything that smacks of progress. Admit it!
ANSWER: Phooey! I have a question for you now. Why does everyone always call those on the political left "liberals," when the only thing they are liberal about is spending other people's money?
There's a conversation-killer if there ever was one.
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