He has lived with a piano as long as we've been together, but until recently he hasn't done much practicing on the instrument. Lately, Tyrone has started playing duets with me. I'll be playing the piano and he'll jump up and walk across the keyboard, stepping over and between my hands, and maybe turn around and walk back the other way. [EDIT: Actually he has only done this a few times. More often, he walks to and fro in front of my sheet music, forcing me to "vamp until ready."] Luckily for him, this makes me laugh. I just keep playing regardless, and after he tries two or three times to drag my attention away from the piano, he may just join me on the bench and watch my performance with wide, interested eyes.
Tyrone's favorite places to be petted are around his muzzle and all the way down his tail. Sometimes he encourages me so firmly to pet the top and sides of his muzzle that I worry about getting my fingers stuck up his nose. I have never known a cat who was so keen on having his tail touched. I'm glad, though. It's a lovely tail, and it feels very fine in the hand. I treat it with respect because I know that this cat's tolerance of being petted there is a rare and precious thing, an artifact of his trust in me.
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