Sunday, February 18, 2007

Deep and glorious

From "Melody Moments"...

This hymn for Epiphany (January 6 and the season of the church year that follows it) comes from the pen of T. V. Oldenburg, 1840. The 1909 translation from Danish is by Carl Døving. The tune is HERR, ICH HABE MISSGEHANDELT (The Lutheran Hymnal No. 326).

Deep and glorious, word victorious,
Word divine that ever lives!
Call thou sinners to be winners
Of the life that Jesus gives;
Tell abroad what God hath given;
Jesus is our way to heaven.

Savior tender, thanks we render
For the grace Thou dost afford;
Time is flying, time is dying,
Yet eternal stands Thy word;
With Thy word Thy grace endureth,
And a refuge us secureth.

By Thy Spirit, through Thy merit,
Draw all weary souls to Thee!
End their sighing, end their dying,
Let them Thy salvation see!
Lead us in life’s pathway tending,
To the life and bliss unending.

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