I have already done a "pscyho reading" of Prokofiev's Fifth, so I'll limit my comments on the Slatkin-SLSO performance I heard last night to saying that it was highly energetic and thoroughly absorbing, and that it brought out many details I had never noticed before.

I first became a Prokofiev enthusiast in college, when Soviet music in general began to captivate me, and when I blew lots of time in a music library well-stocked with scores and recordings thereof. My passion for this music was renewed by the week ago's performance of Alexander Nevsky, in which I screamed my head off in Russian and had a ball doing it. During the short work week leading up to Thanksgiving, I listened to all of Prokofiev's concertos (5 for piano, 2 each for violin and cello) and his seven symphonies (the historic boxed set conducted by Walter Weller).

And though I do think Symphony No. 5 is an awesome piece, I now feel a strong conviction that the symphonic community is overdue for a deep re-exploration of Prokofiev's other, unjustly neglected symphonies--at the very least, his Second, Sixth, and Seventh. We may even find that the Third and Fourth have been unfairly judged, if we can just listen to them without dwelling on the fact that in them Prokofiev recycled (not to say plagiarized) material from his theatrical works of that period. The question should be, does the material serve its new purpose? Do these symphonies, as such, work? I think Symphonies 2, 6, and 7 definitely do. I would like to hear them all performed locally, so that we can evaluate them afresh, on their own terms.

Topping up the first half was Rachmaninoff's Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, a set of variations on a theme Romantic violin virtuoso Niccolò Paganini himself had treated to variations in his 24th and last Caprice for Solo Violin. According to Rachmaninoff's own program for the work, this spectacular piece for piano and orchestra tells a fanciful story about Paganini selling his soul to the devil, in exchange for musical mastery and sexual prowess, and his finally being dragged down into hell. Hmmm. That's an interesting narrative for a composer who, in life, was most successful as a heroically virtuosic pianist.

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