But I tell you, it must not go. Though the critics of the electoral college charge ahead in the name of direct democracy and "one citizen, one vote," the fact is that the Electoral College is essential to the freedoms, rights, and political enfranchisement of the majority of American citizens. To get rid of the Electoral College would be dangerous and stupid. It would hurt most Americans for the very reasons being put forward for doing it. And here is why.
The population of America's urban areas is growing. The population in the rural areas is shrinking. Nevertheless, the people in the rural areas ought to be able to make their voice heard, ought to have a chance to have their interests considered in Washington. The Electoral College is their guarantee of that.

"Get out the vote" campaigns focus on urban areas. Political demonstrations and activism are more at home in big cities than in small-town America. It's not as if it's all one way and all the other; there are, to be sure, urban Republicans and rural Democrats. But watch the election maps, and listen to the returns. You'll probably hear how, for example, Ohio voters were split 50-50 between Red and Blue, with nearly all of the counties voting Red and the areas around Columbus, Cleveland, and Cincinnati voting Blue. Or you'll see an election map showing 35 red states to 15 blue states (mainly along the east and west coast), or perhaps an even more lopsided distribution, and yet the candidates are virtually tied in popular and electoral votes.

To take away the Electoral College would be to make it virtually pointless for the people living in the vast center of the U.S. to participate in the political process. They would not have any real voice or say in the outcome. Candidates might not even bother trying to court their favor. Losing the Electoral College would mean disfranchising those outside the "big states" and especially the "big cities." It would call into question the very reason for the Union, and perhaps lead some states (or political groups within them) to ask whether it wouldn't be better for them to secede.
Does this sound silly? Well, think about it. The last time states seceded from the Union, it was basically because some of the states felt their section of the country no longer had a say in national issues. The balance of power that had been carefully preserved for the first 75 years of the Republic had now tilted toward the urban, industrial, northern section, and the interests of the the rural, agricultural, southern section became increasingly irrelevant. Sure, slavery was a factor. It was part of the southern economy that was suffering from national policies that ignored southern needs. It was a matter of political controversy in which the outnumbered southern states felt themselves losing ground. But the last straw was the Presidential Election of 1860, in which a candidate who wasn't even on the ballot in many southern states won.

This is the same question folks in Utah, Nevada, Iowa, and Kansas will ask if the Electoral College goes away, and when they and most other states vote overwhelmingly Red and, time after time, the Blue candidate wins because of the urban vote. Maybe there won't even be a need for a Red party, once the political system is rigged to ensure that the Blue candidate always wins. That might make some loud, opinionated city people happy, but what about the quiet, patient, country folks? Do we want to have to use military force to keep them in the Union?
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