I'm skipping Trinity 3 because I've already written a hymn on it. So on we go to Trinity 4, for which the Epistle is Romans 8:18-23, and the Gospel is Luke 6:36-42. The tune is HVOR SALIG ER DEN LILLE FLOK by Ludvig M. Lindeman, 1812-87.Let all beware who seek to judge
And God's redeemed condemn;
Whom Christ-like mercy will not budge,
Who will not pardon them!
Beware the pit! For such blind guides
Know not what love in justice hides;
With every flyspeck they begrudge,
They lose the choicest gem!
As you would be forgiv'n, let go;
Give as you would receive:
Let your abundance overflow,
Your neighbor's need relieve!
Before his eye-mote you decry,
First take the rooftree from your eye,
That you may clearly see, and so
His healing may achieve!
Take counsel not in outward sight,
But from the inmost part;
Leave judgment to the Lord of light,
Who sees into the heart!
Should sin a brother’s heart turn hard,
Let him from fellowship be barred;
But hope that God may set him right
And penitence impart!
When they whom Christ has called proclaim
The judgment of the Lord,
They bind and loose in Jesus' name
As stewards of His word.
Rejoice when sinners mercy find!
For were God's justice not so kind,
You would be subject to the same
Dry vintage, fiercely poured.
Judge rightly by the word of God,
If you must judge at all:
Keep it, your shepherd's staff and rod,
Your rock and sheltering wall!
For now the world awaits with groans
Our revelation as God's sons,
When peace at last shall sound abroad
From Jesus' judgment hall.
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