Friday, January 20, 2023

493. Proper 23 (Series C)

The lessons for this Sunday (Oct. 9-15) are Ruth 1:1-19a, 2 Timothy 2:1-13 and Luke 17:11-19. I previously wrote a hymn (kind of) about this Gospel lesson. The tune is SO FÜHRST DU DOCH, a.k.a. HOME, from J.G. Stötzel's Choralbuch (Stuttgart, 1744), which CSB and ALH paired with "O blessed home, that cheerfully receiveth." I take it to be an alternate tune to O SELIG HAUS ("O happy home"), which I frankly don't care for. So there.

O child of God, in Jesus' grace be strengthened,
And in the precepts faithful men have taught;
However toil or hardship may be lengthened,
Endure it, as a gallant soldier ought.
Remember Christ, the Seed of David, risen,
According to the Scriptures, from the dead;
Thus, whether hated, punished or imprisoned,
Take courage from what glory lies ahead.

This is a faithful saying, worth repeating:
If we have died with Christ, so shall we live;
If we endure this fiery trial, though fleeting,
A crown, a throne forever will He give.
Deny Him not, lest He as well deny you;
Yet even if you stumble, He is true.
His word will not be chained; it will supply you
All that you need to see the battle through.

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