Wednesday, January 18, 2023

491. Proper 21 (Series C)

The lessons for this Sunday (Sept. 25-Oct. 1) are Amos 6:1-7, either 1 Timothy 3:1-13 or 6:6-19, and Luke 16:19-31. The tune is WER WEISS, WIE NAHE by Johann D. Meyer (1692), adapted and often attributed to Christian Möck (†1818), a.k.a. ICH ARMER MENSCH, a.k.a. RUDOLSTADT, which (give or take some minor alterations) appears in various anglophone Lutheran hymnals with "And can it be, that I should gain," "Give me, O Lord, a spirit lowly," "I come, O Savior, to Thy table," "Lord Jesus Christ, our Lord most dear," "O would, my God, that I could praise Thee," "Who knows how near my end may be" and, more often, its alternate translation, "Who knows when death may overtake me," and also quite often, "When sinners see their lost condition." Not to be confused with the tune by the same name that I used here.

Is any rich? Let him consider
The story our Redeemer tells
Of him who, bathed in torment bitter,
Looked up across the gulf of hell:
"My son, remember," Abra'am said,
"You your reward already had."

"Let Lazarus with moistened finger,"
He begged, "come down, my tongue to cool;
Or warn my kin in life who linger."
But Abra'am told the wretched fool:
"If they hear not the Scriptures read,
No more will they the risen dead."

Beware, therefore, the love of riches,
From which all kinds of evil spring;
For him whom wealth's allure bewitches
It may to snares and error bring.
Lest in disgrace and doom you drown,
Pursue a more enduring crown.

Pursue whate'er is just and godly,
With faith, love, patience, gentleness;
The good fight wage, resisting bodily;
Receive the life that you confess:
For life is God's alone to give,
Through Christ, who died that you may live.

You who have much, be not conceited;
For wealth can fail or fly away.
Instead, trust God, who richly treated
To us all that we have today.
Rich in good works, do you prepare
All gifts, yea, life itself, to share.

Is any poor? Be not dejected:
Who knows what good things lie ahead!
Your lot with Jesus' is complected,1
Who had no place to lay His head.
Keep faith with Him, and lay in store
A home enduring evermore.

1intertwined, embraced

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