Monday, September 9, 2024


by Sienna Mercer
Recommended Ages: 11+

Olivia is a pink-wearing, perky cheerleader. Ivy is a Goth who happens to be a vampire. Now the whole world knows they're twin sisters who were separated as babies, and who found each other in middle school. They'd still like to know who their real parents are (they were both adopted) and, maybe, how it's possible for one identical twin to be a "bunny" (vanilla human) and the other to be a vamp. But while they sneak around, looking for evidence to explain this, they have bigger problems. For example, Ivy's dad, who refuses to meet Olivia apparently because he is prejudiced against humans, has accepted a job offer from, like, Luxembourg. And then there's the fact that Olivia knows the Blood Secret, which no mortal is supposed to know, and the secret of her knowing the secret is bound to get out sooner or later. The consequences of the vampire world finding out she's in on it could be, um, deadly. And not in the fun, vampire-slangy way.

It's a thin synopsis, I know. But it's also a thin, kids' chapter book and I don't want to overspill. This third adventure in the "My Sister the Vampire" series is loaded with ghoulish humor, teen drama and a bit of spooky suspense. It also presents the sisters and their closest friends with some new revelations that may shake the foundations of what they know and believe, dovetailing directly into book 4 of the series, Vampalicious! For further titles in this 18-book series and the thematically related "My Brother the Werewolf" series, check this out.

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