by Megan Whalen Turner
Recommended Age: 13+

In The Thief, Gen’s boast that he can steal anything lands him in the prison of the King of Sounis. But then it gets him out again; for the king’s magus (not an actual magic-worker, just a scholarly adviser) wants Gen to help him steal something very important to the king. If he succeeds, Gen will be set free and rewarded richly. If he fails, he will die.
Gen accepts the commission, and joins the magus and his strange party on a perilous and mysterious journey. Together with two apprentices and a hardened soldier, the pair venture into the territory of the hostile Queen of Attolia.

Gen’s quest to steal the stone surpasses all expectations, growing from a caper by a socially irreverent, yet religiously devout thief, into a spiritual journey, a heartbreaking battle, a desperate escape, and surprise upon deeply-moving surprise. This turns out to be one of those virtually perfect books, whose clever set-up and satisfying pay-off inspire my utmost admiration. But besides that, it’s awfully fun to read. After finishing it, I couldn’t sit still until I had read the sequel, titled The Queen of Attolia.
The Queen of Attolia
by Megan Whalen Turner
Recommended Age: 13+

Why, with something surprisingly different, of course. The Queen of Attolia is a third-person novel that, for a good proportion of its pages, pulls back from the personal affairs of its characters and views a complex and portentous march of historical events. The characters, in these passages, are not people so much as nations: the three kingdoms of Sounis, Eddis, and Attolia, whose delicate balance of peace and security is upset by a single decision by the titular Queen. And if Gen doesn’t somehow steal peace between at least two of the countries, the nearby Medean Empire will soon have a foothold and all three kingdoms will be lost.
If the subtlety of the shifting political situation, the fortunes of war, and the perilous high-wire-walk of diplomacy with the Mede go over your head, have no fear. For Gen is still, after all, the hero of this story. Only now, he must come to grips with a shattering, life-changing loss. He must leave behind his old role as the irreverent, self-reliant boy-hero and become a grown-up hero of a completely different type. He must risk more than he has ever risked, including his very soul.

The third book in the series, The King of Attolia, is due to be released in June, 2007. I am intensely looking forward to it. [UPDATE: *Passage of time*] My prediction about it, based on the first two books in the series, would be that somehow, Gen must bring a new kind of stability to the third kingdom in the region, Sounis; and that until he does, the threat of the Mede will not be relieved. If you just read that and wondered, “Huh? What’s he going on about?” then you should read The Thief and this book. You’ll see.
The King of Attolia
by Megan Whalen Turner
Recommended Age: 13+
In this third book in the series centering on young Gen, we find out what happens next after The Thief of Eddis steals the heart and hand of The Queen of Attolia. After falling madly in love with the first two books, I waited with bated breath for the book to be released (in paperback, anyway). And now my waiting is over! Hooray!

Almost as amazing as the author’s breadth and depth of imagination is the fact that each book in the series, so far, breaks new narrative ground, without giving up an iota of quality. The Thief was Gen’s first-person account. The Queen of Attolia pulled back to a third-person narrative with a fairly detached point of view. The King of Attolia zooms in again, but on a new character: a soldier of the palace guard, Costis by name. We first find Costis in deep trouble, having lashed out impulsively at an insult to his guard...and punched his newly crowned, one-handed king in the face.
Costis expects to die. He hopes to be hanged, but fears being tortured, fears that his family will lose everything if a conspiracy against the crown is suspected. The next-to-last thing he expects is to become the king’s personal guard, sparring-partner, and target for acid remarks. The very last thing Costis expects is to grow to admire, care about, and believe in this new king, who (it becomes more and more clear) has been hiding his true qualities.

This is a book, and a series, that I think deserves not just to be read once or twice for entertainment. I think this one deserves to be kept, shared, discussed, and cherished. It has humor to make you laugh, as well as wit to make you wince; danger enough to make you tremble; tenderness to bring tears to your eyes; moments of hard-won triumph to make you crow with pride; nerve-wracking tension, brain-twisting intrigues, and surprises galore. If you haven’t discovered Megan Whalen Turner’s work yet, and if you feel the “end” of the Harry Potter series is an opportunity to venture forth on a new favorite series, consider this series!
EDIT: Megan Whalen Turner has also published a book of short stories titled Instead of Three Wishes. I'm interested!
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