by J. R. R. Tolkien
Recommended Age: 9+

A hobbit, or halfling, is a "little person" with a pot-belly, hairy feet, a tendency to live in a hole in the ground, a taste for pipe-tobacco, and a strong inclination to stay put. In all these respects Bilbo Baggins seems to be an exemplary hobbit. He does, that is, until Gandalf the Wizard marks his front-door with a secret sign that advertises Bilbo as a burglar for hire.
A party of thirteen dwarves, led by Thorin Oakenshield, takes Bilbo up on the offer and, ignoring his futile protests, lead him away from the land he has known to an adventure over river, mountain, forest, and swamp. Along the way Bilbo finds the ring that becomes so important in the later book. He also encounters quarrelsome trolls, goblins (and worse) living under a mountain, ravening wolves, giant spiders, perilous elves, and a man who sometimes turns into a bear.

True to what Tolkien fans should expect, The Hobbit is a delightful story full of the joy of language, wit and irony, danger and wonder. And you may also learn a valuable lesson: spiders hate to be called Attercop!
The Lord of the Rings
by J. R. R. Tolkien
Recommended Age: 13+

A MuggleNet poll shows that many people who are fans of The Lord of the Rings are only familiar with the movies by Kiwi director Peter Jackson, but have not read the books. Very few say the reverse, so I guess that means fans of the book approve of the film. But whether you read the book long ago and the films have brought it all back to you, or whether you haven't even seen the movie yet, or especially if you love the movie but have never read the book, take my advice. GET THIS BOOK AND READ IT. Make use of the glossary and index and appendices and maps, to help you keep track of the multitude of names - people, creatures, countries, and locations - which, I'll admit, slowed me down when I started reading the book. And don't be daunted by the story's great length and complexity. I promise you, you will find yourself swept into the stream of events, falling in love with the characters, smelling the very landscape, and (if you're not careful) wiping your eyes and blowing your nose a lot by the end of the book.

It is a magic ring that makes the wearer invisible, and probably gives him more powers besides. But it is possessed by the evil of Sauron, whose mind is searching for it with the aid of ghastly creatures called the Nazgul (Ring-Wraiths). Frodo realizes that his presence with the ring puts the Shire in jeopardy, so he escapes with his gardener Sam and his younger cousins Merry and Pippin, and with the aid of a mysterious man calling himself Strider, they bear the ring to a council of all the free peoples of Middle Earth. There it is decided that the only course open to them is to destroy the ring; it cannot be used for good, and to let Sauron have it would be unthinkable. Frodo volunteers to carry the ring to the fires of Mount Doom, where the ring was forged, and where alone it can be destroyed. Joining him on this virtually hopeless quest are his three hobbit companions, the wizard Gandalf, the elf Legolas, the dwarf Gimli, a man named Boromir of Gondor, and Strider, who turns out to be Aragorn, the reluctant heir to the throne of Gondor. This group of nine, chosen as counterparts to the nine Nazgul, are the Fellowship of the Ring.

The book is full of poetry and song. Even the prose passages are beautifully, evocatively written. Among my favorite songs in the book are Bilbo's song about the elf maid who gave up her immortality to share life and death with her human lover; Frodo's song that you could imagine as an ancestor of "Hey diddle, diddle," and Sam Gamgee's ode on the oliphaunt. But I'll confide, just between you and me, that the point in the book where I was totally hooked beyond all resistance, was the elegy of the three winds in the chapter entitled "The Departure of Boromir," which opened floodgates of emotion. The sheer beauty of it staggered me. From then on I was totally engaged in the story as though it was all happening to my very best friends. Full of thrills, chills, humor, inpsiring heroism, and bittersweet tragedy, it is probably the most morally powerful and emotionally moving book I ever read just for the fun of it.
Its message, which in part should ring familiar for Harry Potter fans, is pretty much threefold:
- A destiny is laid on many who care about truth, goodness, and beauty, to make terrible sacrifices, to travel far and toil hard, to do daring things and possibly get no return for them except dying a noble death, in order to preserve what they hold dear.
- Some of those who must go into the darkest places, to make the greatest difference, may be "little people" who are all but unknown or unrecognized. But even the weakest and littlest person can tilt the balance of the times.
- Sometimes after fighting those battles and making those sacrifices, you find out that the world you fought for belongs to other people now, and that you and your struggle already belong to a bygone age, the world has moved on.

Fans of the movies, be aware that you won't see as much of Elrond, Galadriel, or Arwen in the book, so the romance thread isn't is thick. On the other hand, lovers of sheer drama and heart-pounding horror will appreciate the fact that The Two Towers ends with what I believe is the greatest cliffhanger in the English language, in total contrast to the film. In fact, I think The Two Towers is the book that gains the most from being read over against the movie. But if you've only seen the movies and you haven't read the books, delay no longer. You have no idea what you are missing!
Smith of Wootton Major and Farmer Giles of Ham
by J. R. R. Tolkien
Recommended Age: 10+
Recently a single volume became available containing two of Tolkien's shorter pieces, "Smith of Wootton Major" and "Farmer Giles of Ham." Buy them, read them, treasure them. They are marvelous.

Farmer Giles made me laugh very much, and Smith makes me cry every time I read it. It is an absolutely beautiful piece, like the Pan chapter in The Wind and the Willows only without the pantheism. (Nevertheless, even thinking about that chapter brings tears to my eyes.)
I also think "Smith" is interesting because of certain parallels with the early chapters of The Lord of the Rings. For instance, the departure of Master Cook Rider at the beginning of the story reminds one of the departure of Bilbo, and the scene in which the King of Faerie asks Smith to surrender the fay star reminds one of the scene in which Gandalf insists that Bilbo leave the ring to Frodo. I wonder if Smith of Wootton Major was in some way consciously related to the writing of LotR.
Another interesting thing about it is that the word Faerie/fairy is spelled both ways. Always when a "believer" speaks it, it is spelled "Faerie" with a capital F, and when an "unbeliever" like old Nokes speaks it, it is spelled "fairy" with a lower-case F. Not an easy distinction to get across when reading the story aloud, I'm sure, but a significant subtlety.

EDIT: Tolkien's son Christopher (now 83 years old) continues to edit and publish vast quantities of his father's notes and uncompleted books, such as the Unfinished Tales and a twelve-volume History of Middle-Earth, plus "completions" of The Silmarillion and, new last year, The Children of Húrin.
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