by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Recommended Age: 12+

However, it is a fantasy, and it is aimed at children, and it has an intriguing background (its author, like the narrator in his story, was a combat pilot who, later, was killed in action). One suspects that in his crash-landing, Saint-Exupéry's narrator suffered the sort of head injury and hallucinations that Roald Dahl described in his first published story (see The Story of Henry Sugar and Six Others). What follows is a somewhat abstract or surreal encounter with a little prince from another planet, who walks up out of the baking desert and asks the downed pilot to draw him a sheep. Joined with the pilot's feverish race with time to fix his plane before he runs out of water is the little Prince's whimsical story of all the silly worlds he visited and the silly sorts of people he met, none of whom really know the secret of being happy.

If you can stomach the strangeness of this book, and a sense of it being a preachy little parable for a philosophical movement that has run its course [EDIT: ???], you may find it funny, touching, and even (perhaps) magical. With that, I give The Little Prince my guarded recommendation.
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