One horrid quarter that year, I had to go to two different classes, first period, Monday through Friday, taught by the same prof in the Practical Department. This prof was a far from a ray of sunshine as one could be. The man was so manifestly unhappy that a cloud of gloom seemed to follow him into the room; his frown lines had frown lines; and he invariably contradicted anyone who asserted anything during discussions in his classroom. I remember the feeling of triumph I felt the day he (indirectly) agreed with something I had said; for some other student had jumped on my statement before the Prof had a chance to do so, and thus it was my antagonist who got contradicted.

As if bad vibes wasn't enough, this Prof also assigned a ridiculous number of writing assignments in proportion to the significance of his classes. While I had one paper, or at most two, in high-level exegetical classes that changed my life, I had to write 5 assignments in each of this Prof's trifling little classes. It irritated me. I always had a deadline looming. And some of the assignments were just plain screwy.
The "last straw" fell in Parish Administration class, when the Prof assigned a paper raising up a character from the Bible as a model of Parish Administration. I couldn't believe how stupid this assignment was. All of my ethics of Bible interpretation rebelled against reading this flagrantly anachronistic tripe back into Scripture. But I had to comply with the assignment. So, with my teeth clenched, I wrote the paper in the following post. It was not meant to be taken seriously. It was, in fact, a vaguely self-destructive gesture of tweaking the prof's nose. If he took it seriously, then the joke really was on him. The fact

Sometimes you have to be a stupid jerk to fight stupid jerkitude. It's a strange fact (perhaps not very strange) that my seminary grades were all A's except the classes I hated. So I suppose I deserve the grade I ended up with in this class (it wasn't an A). At the time, my thought was: "I deserve to go to hell for writing this." But I turned it in anyway, snickering up my sleeve.
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