Sunday, December 18, 2022

457. Epiphany 6 (Series C)

The lessons for this Sunday are Jeremiah 17:5-8, 1 Corinthians 15:12-20 (optional 1-11) and Luke 6:17-26. The tune is ACH, WIE SEHNLICH WART ICH by Wolfgang Briegel (1687), which the Aussies' 1973 hymnal paired with "Alas! and did my Savior bleed," while the old Ev. Lutheran Hymn-Book paired it with "Behold the Savior of mankind."

Woe to the man who trusts in man,
Whose bulwark is the flesh.
His heart estranged from God, what can
His withered soul refresh?

Blest be the man who trusts the Lord:
His hope in Christ is sound.
Fed by the living, healing word,
With fruit he will abound.

Woe to the rich, who have their due;
The full, who have their feed.
Blest be the poor and hungry, who
Will see fulfilled their need.

The kingdom's heirs a while may weep,
But soon they will rejoice;
While they who gloat today will reap
Tomorrow's wailing voice.

To whom the world with favor views
Is due the false seers' fate,
While they whom one and all abuse
For Christ, a prize await.

Two ways, of blessing and of woe,
Before us lie today.
Christ guide us on the way we go,
Let all the faithful pray!

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