Anyway, I've decided to make up my deficiency in space opera lore. I picked up a used DVD set of Season 1 of Babylon 5. Its 22 episodes first aired between January and October of 1994 on the short-lived PTEN network. Straczynski, hereafter JMS, had the whole five-year plot arc planned in great detail. As show-runner he maintained direct control over the entire run of the show, personally writing 92 out of 110 episodes. He penned a record-setting stretch of 59 consecutive episodes, including all 44 episodes of Seasons 3 and 4. He was an extremely disciplined writer, penning episodes six weeks in advance, forbidding last-minute rewrites, and building a "trap-door" into each major character in the event - which in several instances became reality - of a cast member's early departure from the show.
JMS's creation is an interesting phenomenon. It is an original sci-fi series that presents a not-particularly-rosy picture of mankind's future. It stayed under budget in spite of featuring lots of weird-looking aliens (known to actors as "Chinese latex torture"), as well as TV's first regular use of the 16x9 aspect ratio and CGI special effects. Inspired by the works of Asimov, Clarke, Heinlein, Herbert, and Tolkien,

Because I never understood the series until now - and I'm only just beginning to get it, after watching Season 1 straight through - I'm going to help those of you who are in the same boat by mapping the general layout before I go on to a quick review of each episode.
First: What is Babylon 5? It's a huge space station spinning in orbit around a lifeless world (Epsilon 3) in a relatively neutral sector of the galaxy. In the year 2258 in which Season 1 is set, it has been there a couple of years, following a series of freak accidents (?) that destroyed the previous 4 Babylon stations. It serves in part as a military outpost for Earthforce, and in part as a melting pot of alien races who come together to transact business, do a little diplomacy, dabble in crime and corruption (heck, some of them swim in it), and basically try to find a way to live together in peace.

Second: Who is in charge of this place? The captain of the station, for the first year only, is Earthforce Commander Jeffrey Sinclair, played by the (let's face it) wooden Michael O'Hare. From the very first episode, not counting the pilot (which wasn't in this set), I could tell why JMS sprang his trap-door and replaced him with Bruce Boxleitner in season 2. In a way, though, it's a crying shame. Sinclair's character seems to have an important destiny, perhaps more important than what turned up in his handful of guest appearances later on. For example, he was spared at the "Battle of the Line" when Earth played its last, losing hand against the Minbari war fleet. As the season progresses, he begins to remember what happened during the lost day when he blacked out and his ship went off the screens. Apparently, after interrogating him and perhaps doing some kind of freaky tests on him, the Minbari decided to surrender and let the human race live to fight another day. Then they vetoed a long list of candidates to command B5 until his name finally came up. It's very suspicious, and a lot of complicated stuff lies behind the Minbari decision to end the war, but it pretty much becomes moot when Sinclair goes down and Sheridan comes up -- a story for another day.

Apart from the chief physician at the station's Medlab, Dr. Stephen Franklin (played by Richard Biggs), the rest of the principal cast wore prosthetics, flamboyant wigs, and alien costumes. Which leads to the third question: What kind of people are these aliens? The four main races, apart from humans, are the Centauri, the Minbari, the Vorlons, and the Narn.

The Vorlons are the ones you never really see. No one is supposed to see them. They live in an unbreathable atmosphere and wear a really bizarre costume, called an "encounter suit," when interacting with other aliens - which they do as little as possible. So Vorlon Ambassador Kosh is not represented by a regular cast member; his character is the result of a combination of puppetry and the voice talents of one Ardwright Chamberlain, plus some distorting sound effects. Kosh is sort of the Yoda of Babylon 5, holding himself to few words and enigmatic ones at that. I gather that a few people are allowed to see him outside his encounter suit.

And so the series begins to unfold, its episodes like chapters in a delicately-planned TV novel. Each season as a whole has a title, like a major section of a book. The title of Season 1 is "Signs and Portents."
Chapter 1: "Midnight on the Firing Line." A diplomatic crisis threatens to divide the station's ruling council when the Narn Regime attacks the Centauri agricultural colony of Ragesh 3. This episode does a fine job of introducing most of the main characters. Londo and G'Kar almost come to physical blows; at one point Garibaldi has to threaten to shoot Londo to prevent the latter from killing G'Kar. While Sinclair struggles to find a way to defuse the situation, Talia finds out what Ivanova has against telepaths and Garibaldi reveals what his "second favorite thing in the universe" is.
Chapter 2: "Soul Hunter." W. Morgan Sheppard, on whom I have previously remarked, begins a parade of sometime Star Trek guests crossing over to B5. Here he plays the title role of a spooky alien who harvests the souls of dying people, preserving them in a form that enables him to speak to them and learn from them.

Chapter 3: "Born to the Purple." A Centauri exotic dancer seduces Londo, who willingly falls for her. It turns out she is being used by an alien blackmailer played by sometime Trek guest Clive Revill, who was also the original voice of the Emperor Palpatine in The Empire Strikes Back. Even though it's been only a few days since I saw this episode, I actually don't remember much of it apart from the bare outline. Maybe I'll have to watch it again, or maybe it's just a sign that it wasn't a particularly stimulating hour.
Chapter 4: "Infection," actually the first regular B5 episode to be filmed. Dr. Franklin gets a visit from his old mentor, Dr. Vance Hendricks (played by David McCallum). The two work together identifying the purpose of some strange alien artifacts that seem to combine organic material with high-level technology. These gizmos turn out to be a doomsday weapon, which takes over Hendricks's assistant and turns him into an unstoppable killing machine. Franklin is disgusted to find out that Henrdicks was planning to sell the artifact, which was why he had wanted to check it out quietly. A bigger concern is that the machine wiped out the race that created it because it was programmed to weed out imperfection.

Chapter 5: "The Parliament of Dreams." This Emmy-winning episode introduces sometime Trek guest Julia Nickson as Sinclair's recurring love interest, Catherine Sakai. It also introduces Na'Toth and Lennier. During a celebration of the religious practices of all the races on B5, G'Kar finds out that someone back on Homeworld has taken out a contract on his life. The assassin turns out to be played by Thomas Kopache, who also (repeatedly) guested on Trek. It's a great episode for showing the comic potential of the Narn characters.
Chapter 6: "Mind War." This is the episode that introduces the recurring character of Alfred Bester, a Psi Corps villain played by Star Trek's own Walter Koenig. In his first appearance, Bester comes to B5 on the trail of Talia's mentor, Jason Ironheart, who has attained to a higher level of telepathic power and become a threat to national security. Meanwhile, Catherine Sakai brushes off G'Kar's warnings about scouting out a planet in a sector historically controlled by the Narn. In the end, the Narn have to rescue her when her ship gets "stepped on" by a higher intelligence to whom humans are as ants to us. It's a pretty eerie incident.

Chapter 8: "And the Sky Full of Stars." Again filled with references back to the pilot film, which I still haven't seen, this episode explores the lost day at the climax of the Earth-Minbari war when Sinclair was missing, twenty-four hours of which he has no memory. I gather that his flashback to an alien telling him, "You have a hole in your mind," comes from the same pilot that I missed. Here Sinclair begins to figure out what really happened, and among the scattered bits of memory that he recovers is the fact that Delenn was there when the Minbari interrogated him. This episode guest-stars Christopher Neame - the only known actor to have appeared in Doctor Who, Star Trek, and Babylon 5 - and Judson Scott, another notable Trek alum.

Chapter 10: "Believers." This heartbreaking episode features Trek alums Tricia O'Neil and Stephen Lee as the parents of an alien boy whose life Dr. Franklin can easily save - if only they will let him do surgery. But the parents, like all of their people, believe that cutting into his flesh will result in their child's soul being lost, a fate worse than death. Though there is a (fairly lame) subplot about space raiders ganging up on a civilian transport, this ethical dilemma drives most of the episode and has the proven power to bring a grown man to tears. Trust me on this.

Chapter 12: "By Any Means Necessary." Sinclair struggles to keep a labor dispute from spiraling out of control. The dock workers are overworked, underpaid, and saddled with decrepit and unsafe equipment. When one of their own is killed in a senseless accident, they decide they've had enough and go on strike. The trouble is, by the terms of their contract they aren't allowed to strike. A hard-nosed negotiator comes to the station to straighten things out, but he seems determined to force Sinclair to call in troops to settle the strike. Meanwhile, G'Kar needs a certain flower to carry out a religious ritual that he must complete by a certain deadline, but the only specimen to be had is clenched in Londo's vengeful, uncompromising fist. This is really a very entertaining episode, making compelling use of guest actors (and Trek alums) Katy Boyer and John Snyder.

Chapter 14: "TKO." Into every season of explosive sci-fi teledrama, alas, a dud must come. This is B5's first-season dud: an episode that, in my opinion, takes the series nowhere. Sure, it establishes that Ivanova's father is a dead Russian Jew, embittered by his wife's suicide and his son's combat death. Sure, it guest stars the great Theodore Bikel (who also happens to have guested on TNG) as the rabbi who travels light years to deliver Ivanova's inheritance (a samovar) and help her sit shiva. Sure, it features an alien extreme-fighting event called the Mutai, and the disgraced boxer whose ambition is to be the first human to fight in it. But apart from a surprisingly uninteresting look at alien martial arts and some deep character development for Ivanova, it doesn't move the plot ahead very much.

Chapter 16: "Eyes." An Earthforce internal affairs colonel comes to Bablyon 5, aiming to get to the bottom of everything - including stuff Sinclair still doesn't remember about his lost day. He brings with him a relatively nice Psi Corps telepath (played by frequent Trek guest Jeffrey Combs), who is supposed to probe everybody's mind. Both Sinclair and Ivanova express strong objections to this plan, so Col. ben Zayn maneuvers around them with diabolical cleverness. Forcing unwilling associates to do his work, the Colonel finally proves to be so unstable that his own telepath is forced to take him down. It is a rare treat to see Combs playing a non-alien, non-freak, non-evil character. It makes up for the atrocious acting of his costar Gregory Martin.

Chapters 18-19: "A Voice in the Wilderness." This two-part episode weaves together several drama-intenstive storylines. First, the Martian Colony revolts against the Earth-based Provisinal Government. Caught in the crossfire is Lise Hampton, the girl Garibaldi left behind, and he is frantic to find out whether she's OK. Second, Delenn's old mentor Draal drops in to say goodbye; he's on his way "to the stars" to see if he can't do some good in the universe, after doing all that he can at home. Third, seismic activity on the adjacent planet (Epislon 3) leads to the discovery of a mind-blowingly huge machine inside the planet, which was supposedly uninhabited. The machine must be connected to a living mind to run properly, and the old guy in charge is dying. If he kicks it before a successor can be found, the planet will blow up and take B5 with it. Fourth, Earthforce sends a war cruiser to take control of the machine - but then, so does whatever mysterious force stands behind the Raiders who have been an increasing nuisance all year long. This two-parter boasts one of the great space battles of the series so far. Plus, it introduces the recurring character of Draal (though Louis Turenne plays him only in this one episode), and features Trek alum Ron Canada as the cruiser captain who horns in on Sinclair's authority.

Chapter 21: "The Quality of Mercy." The serious part of this episode involves a cold-blooded killer played by Mark Rolston (he of the icy stare, and yes, a TNG guest actor), who has been convicted and sentenced to have his mind wiped. This puts Talia Winters in the uncomfortable position of having to probe this psycho's mind. Meanwhile, Dr. Franklin is on the trail of a medical quack, played by June Lockhart (late of "Lost in Space"), who actually seems to be helping underinsured patients in the Downbelow, aided by a mysterious alien device. Her daughter is played by another Trek alum, Kate McNeil. But in spite of all this heavy stuff, I will remember this episode for the immensely welcome comic relief provided when Londo takes Lennier under his wing and shows him around B5's dens of iniquity. I could quote their hysterically funny dialogue at great length, but the image I'll leave you with shows Londo using one of his six male appendages (which grow out of the sides of his body) to cheat at cards. Someone sets a pitcher of icewater on it and he shudderingly says, "Is it me, or is it getting cold in here?"

IMAGES from top: Season 1 DVD; B5; Sinclair; Ivanova; Londo; Delenn; G'Kar; Kosh; Garibaldi; Catherine Sakai; Bester; Vir; Dr. Franklin; Morden; Talia Winters; Neroon; Na'Toth; Lennier.
1 comment:
"From the very first episode, not counting the pilot (which wasn't in this set), I could tell why JMS sprang his trap-door and replaced him with Bruce Boxleitner in season 2." - No, you couldn't. Although no one apart from JMS knew the real reason: the actor developed a severe psychotic illness, likely schizophrenia, during filming. Otherwise he would have stayed.
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