by Ursula K. Le Guin
Recommended Age: 12+

And it tells the beginning of the adventures of a great wizard whose name was Ged. But since, in his lifetime, like other men, Ged was very careful to share his true name only with the few that he implicitly trusted (because to know the true name of a thing is to hold power over it), he mostly went by the use-name of Sparrowhawk. His adventures began in a tiny mountain village, where the yet-unnamed 12-year-old drove off a band of marauders with the aid of his raw, unformed magical gift. Soon he is apprenticed to a silent, gentle mage named Ogion, but not for long. Spurred by his ambition, Ged goes off to the School of the Wise at Roke, where he quickly becomes a talent to watch. And, unfortunately, to envy.
The envy of another student, and Ged’s reckless pride, and the malice of a witch who serves the Dark Powers, lead to a great tragedy. Ged foolishly turns loose on the world a thing of shadow that must either hunt him, or be hunted by him, until either one or both are destroyed. Haunted by shame, fear, and self-doubt, Ged tries to solve the mystery of how to do away with the darkness he has summoned, before it possesses him and uses him to do even worse things. Meanwhile, he talks with dragons, sails the seas of his richly varied world, defies the Old Powers of the Earth,

Accompanied by helpful maps, this book introduces us to a brilliantly imagined fantasy world, where a vast battle between light and darkness is telescoped into the intimate story of a youthful hero. Certainly it is on nothing like the scale of The Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter, but with a staggering economy of words (less than 200 pages) this book conjures a vivid picture of a vast, complex world, a deeply stirring adventure, and a hero whose deeds we will gladly follow into the sequel, The Tombs of Atuan.
EDIT: I loathed the 2004 TV movie based on this book.
The Tombs of Atuan
by Ursula K. Le Guin
Recommended Age: 12+
This second book in the Earthsea Cycle does feature the heroic young wizard Ged (a.k.a. Sparrowhawk) who is dear to all who have read A Wizard of Earthsea. Don’t worry. But also, don’t be surprised when he doesn’t turn up in the first half of the book. For this tale is told from the point of view of Arha (“the Eaten One”), the current reincarnation of the First Priestess of the Tombs of the Nameless Ones, a.k.a. the Dark Powers.

Honestly, I wouldn’t blame you for having trouble sympathizing with the high priestess of such an evil, monstrous cult. But poor Arha doesn’t know any better, and more to the point, all choice has been taken from her, since as a small child her soul was given to the Nameless Ones. Nevertheless, there is a streak of gentleness and decency in this Arha, who has forgotten that her born name was Tenar.
She takes her business very seriously, fiercely believing in and trying to uphold the dignity of the gods she serves—to the point of wishing death and destruction on the infidel. But she also shudders and has nightmares over the slaughter of the criminals sent to her for sacrifice. And finally, when the wizard Ged sneaks into the Undertomb, attempting to steal the lost half of an ancient talisman, Arha cannot bring herself to destroy him—even when he is in her power. Indeed, she risks everything, including the wrath of the God-King’s high priestess Kossil, to spare Ged’s life. Until finally, the two of them must escape together, or not at all.

EDIT: (1) Later books in the series, so far, include Tehanu, Tales from Earthsea (a collection of short stories), and The Other Wind. Although these later books have won significant awards, scuttlebutt has it they represent a departure from the original concept of the series, and may therefore disappoint Ged's fans. (2) The Wiki on this series suggests that it was influenced by Taoism and, later, feminism, FWIW. (3) Finally, Le Guin has more recently embarked on a young adult series called Annals of the Western Shore. The books in this series are Gifts, Voices, and Powers, and they are also on my "When I Get Around To It" list.
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