by Madeleine L'Engle

Mr. and Mrs. Murry are renowned scientists. The father is constantly being called to Washington to consult with the President, or to Cape Canaveral to consult with NASA. The mother is doing her own private experiments in an old stone dairy-pantry converted into a lab, where she earns a Nobel Prize while cooking her children's dinners over a bunsen burner. The middle children, twin boys Sandy and Dennys, are bright and athletic and popular, and quite ordinary. With the exception of the last novel in the Quartet, however, most of the action centers on two members of the family: the oldest child, ugly-duckling Meg, going through a difficult adolescence; and the extremely gifted but mysterious baby of the family, Charles Wallace.

Whether you are a Christian or not, these unique stories will trouble, challenge, excite, and uplift you. Though L'Engle is outspoken in her Christian beliefs, these novels are not evangelical tracts or creedal statements. They express a unique worldview, at least of a fantasy world (but a very realistic one, much like our own); a world sometimes visited by cherubim, centaurs, angels, and unicorns; a world in which all matter, and all living things, join in a song of praise and a dance of joy to the Creator, and yet where evolution is presupposed; a world in which Celtic runes, Bible stories, and quotes from the Psalms interweave with myths, tribal religions, and a vaguely cyclic view of history;

It's very weird, but it's also thrilling, moving, romantic, and full of lovable characters. And it teaches lessons--lessons about love and hate, faith and skepticism, war and peace, forgiveness and sacrifice. I recommend the Time Quartet, which I read and re-read in three different decades of my life and still find just as challenging and magical as ever. Though L'Engle is a prolific author, and I have heard good report of some of her other books (such as Meet the Austins and the whole series of teen-romance-fantasy-mysteries that follow it), these are the only ones I've ever seen on sale. They are, apparently, by far her most popular works. The books of the Time Quartet are A Wrinkle in Time (1962), A Wind in the Door (1973), A Swiftly Tilting Planet (1978), and Many Waters (1986).

Muddying the waters even more is a distinction between two Greek words for time, kairos and chronos, which roughly correspond to "time in the abstract" (or from God's point of view) vs. "time as we measure it by the clock." The Murry/O'Keefe books are related to "kairos-time," whereas another major group of books by L'Engle - focusing on the Austin family - are related to "chronos-time." Plus, just to make sure we never get this straightened out, there are crossovers between the kairos and chronos sequences of books. So to simply call the four books reviewed below "The Time Quartet" is clearly an oversimplification of a vast body of works caught up in a complex web of interrelationships, and all of it related to some concept of "time."

So forget about it. Here are four books by Madeleine L'Engle that share a common cast of characters, and are often sold as a set. The series interpenetrates, and is interpenetrated by, other works by the same author that may interest you if you like these books. I'm still getting used to them being a "quartet" after reading them as a "trilogy" when I was a kid. Since L'Engle died last September, I guess her fans are at liberty to sort out her "canon." My interest does not extend that far.
A Wrinkle in Time
by Madeleine L'Engle
Recommended Age: 12+

Suddenly four remarkable individuals burst into Meg's life, and things begin to change. First is the handsome, popular, red-headed athlete and top student from the wrong side of the tracks, Calvin O'Keefe, who instantly adopts Meg, Charles Wallace, and their mother like the family he has been waiting for all his life. Then come three very, very strange women - Mrs. Whatsit, who acts as though she isn't accustomed to wearing a human form; Mrs. Who, who talks in quotations because she has trouble expressing herself verbally;

These three... I don't know what they are!... beings send Calvin, Meg, and Charles Wallace on a hair-raising adventure through outer space, partly to rescue Mr. Murry, and partly to aid the resistance against the spreading Powers of Darkness. Using a mind-boggling fourth-dimension concept called a tesseract, they tackle a planet that has "given in," where everyone's mind and body is controlled by the horrible IT.
Here is a terrifying nightmare vision of a bureaucratic society (or perhaps a totalitarian one) run amok, where every cause of unhappiness has been surgically removed but the result is, no one is happy. It is a vision of how evil can deceive people who have good motives, and how the faults of very flawed people can become their redeeming traits.

This is the first book in the Time Quartet. It is also a winner of the annual Newbery Medal for distinction in American literature for children. And for good reason: your guts will love this book. And your brain will get a jolt out of it, too.
A Wind in the Door
by Madeleine L'Engle
Recommended Age: 12+
About a year after the adventures in A Wrinkle in Time, Meg and Charles Wallace Murry get another chance to put their special gifts to use.

It begins when Charles Wallace confides to Meg that there are dragons in the twins' vegetable garden. Soon the dragons turn out to be something even more awesome. Enter a "Teacher" (with a capital T) and a Cherubim (yes, it's a plural noun, but it's a singular Cherubim), who send Meg, her boyfriend Calvin, and a couple of other unlikely heroes into the front lines of the battle between good and evil... not in outerspace, but in innerspace, deep inside one of Charles Wallace's mitochondria.
Get used to words like mitochondria and farandolae. You'll see a lot of them in this book. But they are also richly imagined and vividly depicted, along with other far-out concepts such as kything (like telepathy, only better). These are, after all, stories about an incredibly gifted child, in an above-average family. But you don't necessarily have to be a gifted child to love this book, and the other books of the Time Quartet, of which this is the second novel. Sometimes in her exuberance, L'Engle seems to lose her grip on prose narrative and break into song. Her writing is poetic, even when it is not verse.
A Swiftly Tilting Planet
by Madeleine L'Engle
Recommended Age: 12+

Joining the Murrys is Calvin's loveless, unlovely, and seemingly unlovable mother, Mrs. O'Keefe. Nevertheless things are going well until Mr. Murry gets a phone call from the White House. A madman is threatening to press the nuclear button and wipe out the world. Unless a miracle happens, mankind has 24 hours to settle affairs.
Of all people to make that miracle happen, it just has to be the toothless old biddy, Mrs. O'Keefe. She recites a mysterious rune, almost forgotten since her childhood, and commissions Charles Wallace to straighten things out. With the aid of a unicorn named Gaudior, a yellow dog named Ananda, and his sister Meg

It won't be easy, with the Echthroi (spirits of darkness) opposing him at every turn, and the lives he enters falling more and more deeply under their shadow. From an ancient legend come to life, to a Salem witch trial... from a depression-era Family Tragedy to the Civil-War-era travails of a crippled novelist... Charles Wallace and Gaudior follow the trail of the Might-Have-Been on which the future of the world, if not the universe, hangs in balance. Along the way the power of St. Patrick's Rune unfolds, a prophetic song goes through many mutations,

This is a marvelous book - my favorite out of the Time Quartet, in fact. It's thought-provoking and emotionally intense, and it will grab you right to the very last paragraph. If the tales of the Murry family had ended here, in my opinion, they would have been perfect.
Many Waters
by Madeleine L'Engle
Recommended Age: 14+

But now they are right in the thick of things, and it's all because they ignore a sign on the door of their mother's laboratory: "Experiment in progress. Please keep out." Even if their parents had told them about their experiments in time travel,

And now that they're personally involved in it, the Bible story which they've always thought of on the same level as Santa Claus and the tooth fairy, suddenly takes on a great deal of urgency. Now they have to play a role in the cosmic battle between good and evil that threatens to derail history-as-we-know-it, that threatens to prevent what is supposed to happen from happening. And they wonder whether they really want it to happen after all.

The twins offer the narrative an unusual point of view, since they are so slow to relinquish their skepticism about what is happening around them. It makes for a perplexing story with subtleties no one but the author, perhaps, can explain, but with a certain appeal too.

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