by Paula Fox
Recommended Age: 10+
This 1974 Newbery Medal winner, by the author of the Newbery Honor Book One-Eyed Cat, is a bitter, painful story told in hauntingly beautiful words.
It is the story of Jessie, abducted from the streets of New Orleans and pressed into service on an illegal slaving ship in the year 1840; of how he survives the wanton cruelty, harsh discipline, danger, want, and evil company of a trip to Africa and back; of how his talent for playing the fife is perverted into making the slaves dance for their daily exercise, while he can scarcely stand to witness the inhuman conditions they are forced to live in; of how a poetic twist of fate makes him and a young African boy sharers in a strange destiny.
What is most real about this book are the emotions Jessie experiences, including many that he wouldn’t be proud of, and some that he could never explain even to himself. Combining a flair for depiction of conditions on a 19th century sailing vessel with a gruesome depiction of the evils of slavery, it leads Jessie to the sad but unavoidable conclusion that men are not to be trusted.

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