by L. Ron Hubbard
Recommended Age: 12+
The movie based on this book, starring John Travolta and Forest Whitaker, will go down in history as one of the greatest big-budget bombs in the history of Hollywood. And the author... well, if I want to avoid a serious lawsuit, I'd better say no more. So it may come as a surprise that Battlefield Earth is really a fun book to read. I know. I've read it two or three times. I can't speak for anything else by Hubbard, because I haven't ready any of it (and, for theological reasons, I don't plan to). But I recommend this book, even for those of you who (like me) don't really care for "hard science fiction."

The story opens about 1000 years after the present day. What is left of mankind has been driven into harsh, out-of-the-way places, where some of them live a stone-age lifestyle. The reason is that, way back in our present day, a ruthless mining company from another planet staked a claim on earth's natural resources, exterminated most of the population with nerve gas, and began digging up everything of mineral value and shipping it back to their home planet.
Now the 14-foot-tall, bony, "breathe-gas" breathing, kerbango-chomping Psychlos control the whole planet, except for areas whose radioactivity causes breathe-gas to explode. Which, by the way, is the only advantage air-breathing races, like mankind, has over the brutal, greedy, and technologically advanced Psychlos. But the radioactive parts are none too good for humans, either, so something has to give.

For Terl is planning to use Johnny to mine gold out of the mountains - where, because of radioactive uranium deposits, the Psychlos themselves cannot go - and thus make Terl's personal fortune. But Johnny, meanwhile, is learning more than Terl realizes, and soon knows enough to be really dangerous. By a combination of luck, bald-faced daring, supreme effort, and astounding cleverness, Johnny becomes master of the situation in a way that is simply fantastic to read. He learns to manipulate Terl, lead men, speak alien tongues, use alien equipment, and juggle a multitude of complicating factors until all the pieces of his brilliant plan are in place... and then, in one of the riskiest gambits you'll have ever read, he commits.
The result is a tremendous victory over the Psychlos, against simply astronomical odds. That's as far as the movie goes, but that's only half of the book. For even with the Psychlos out of the picture, Earth isn't quite saved yet. You might say that the "booby traps" left behind by a thousand years of Psychlo control are worse than Psychlo control itself. For one thing, it turns out that earth has a mortgage on it, and now that they have it back, Johnny and his people have to pay for it. For another thing, every aggressive and greedy alien within starship range wants a piece of earth, and they have big guns and fast ships. If saving earth from the Psychlos took nerves of steel, luck and cleverness and persuasion (and sacrifice), saving earth from what comes after the Psychlos will take even more of the same!

So, if you distrust science fiction (or Hubbard in particular) because so much of it has a sort of religious agenda, you can read this book without concern, and enjoy it the same way Hubbard did - simply on its own terms. Which are spectacular terms indeed. And if you find science fiction irritatingly technical, silly, or dull, you may still enjoy this book, because it is none of those things. It is simply a great adventure, that almost brings "sci fi" around to the sort of "fantasy" quest that lovers of Harry Potter, Tolkien, Lewis, and classic adventure stories can relate to. Sci-fi hater that I am, my thumbs-up goes to Battlefield Earth (the book).
The sad thing about your post is that you reveal your lack of intelligence and insight, to claim L.Ron Hubburd's work is good is one thing but to ignore his crimes and the fact he started a dangerous cult that extorts people of their life savings is also ignorant. Hitler was a good writer but lets not give him any credit because he was a lunatic, a madman and a stain on human history. L.R.H. falls into that same category. Go back to school and then re read Frank's work. And while you do that, find out more about your hero L.Ron and learn about how he has ruined the lives of thousands of people all for a heavy profit. Also consider that nearly all science fiction critics agree that L.R.H is a mediocre writer at best. Most consider him a hack and a mentally deranged individual.
That's what I call an "overreaction." (A) I never said LRH was "my hero." (B) I don't read LRH's books as a rule; "Battlefield: Earth" was the exception. (C) Irrespective of how other writers regard LRH's body of work, I thought this was an entertaining & spiritually harmless book. (D) My review expresses nothing but my opinion of this particular book. (E) Writing for a non-sectarian site, I could only say so much about LRH's religion, but within those limits I think I adequately distanced myself from it. (F) See my reviews of Philip Pullman, Terry Goodkind, Michael Stackpole, and Michael Gruber. I regularly and carefully draw a distinction between evaluating books as literature and responding to their spirituality. I don't think anyone reading these reviews can be mistaken as to whether or not I am promoting their spirituality.
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