Monday, February 19, 2024

504. Temptation Hymn

Here's a hymn that grew in my mind after hearing yesterday's gospel lesson, including Mark's extremely compressed account of Jesus' temptation in Mark 1:13. I have no particular tune in mind. However, a couple tunes I've written in the past could work, including IMMENSE IMMORTAL, MYSTERIOUS MIGHT and SELAH.

Christ, who passed through a desert place,
Behold what wastes Your children face!
Wild beasts at every footstep snap;
Each thorny scrub conceals a trap.
By night the bog's deceiving lights,
By day mirages fuddle sight.
How could we find the narrow way,
But that You seek the lambs who stray?

Lo, You were tempted more than all;
Prevailed, restoring Adam's fall.
In Your blood-sweat and groans subsist
All we who, tempted, still resist.
Our lot thereby You once assumed;
Therein a precious hope has bloomed
That, having beaten Satan down,
We, too, shall don a victor's crown.

Give us, dear Christ, Your angel guard!
Give us conviction that Your word
Supplies all that we need to live;
And when we falter, oh! Forgive!
Our All in all, You would we praise,
You only serve for all our days,
Till all flesh bows with unseen hosts
To Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

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