Tuesday, December 12, 2023

502. Lo, what love

This is the hymn of which I was speaking when I referred to one grasping at heel of "Look to Jesus." It takes its departure from John 3:1 ff. with a few other scriptural references, to round out the Trinitarian concept. It's a lot like this hymn, initially, but it veers off at a different angle. Again, I don't have a particular tune in mind. It's amazing how often this is the case when I write a hymn, despite my musical proclivities. I'll give that more thought later on, but for now:

Lo, what love the Father shows us,
Gifting us His children's name!
If the world denies it knows us,
Well! It treated Christ the same.
Past is all that we have been;
What we'll be, still to be seen;
But in Christ so much is sure:
We shall see Him, bright and pure.

Lo, what mind was in Christ Jesus,
Dredging for us in the deep!
His death from sin's cesspit frees us;
His life, from eternal sleep.
Shielding us from Satan's lies,
He prepares for us a prize,
Even now our cause expounds
Till His call, "Arise!" resounds.

Lo, what life the Spirit gives us,
Changing hearts of stone to flesh!
Thus the Breath of God revives us,
Who the water stirs afresh:
Hov'ring on the holy bath,
He delivers us from wrath,
Causing once-dead limbs to move
In the footprints of God's love.

Holy, holy, holy, cry we,
Hearts aflame with loving fear!
Age to age with spirits high, we
Call on Him Whom we revere.
He who served in depths of pain
Sits enthroned on high to reign,
Where at last all knees shall bow
And His holy name avow.

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