Sunday, July 25, 2021

Z is for Zombie

Z is for Zombie: An Illustrated Guide to the End of the World
by Adam-Troy Castro
illustrated by Johnny Atomic
Recommended Ages: 14+

It's not bedtime reading, and it's also not kiddie material, but this illustrated book is a gruesome, grim, gross and nevertheless funny illustrated guide to the emotional impact of the coming(?) zombie apocalypse, from A to Z. The art, the laughs and the prose are pitch-dark, gory and disturbing. And unexpectedly, there's kind of a plot with a surprise twist ending and all. But don't expect me to summarize it. It takes moments to read from cover to cover, and who knows how long to shake from your subconscious. Have fun! Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha ...

Messrs. Castro and, er, Atomic also collaborated on the book V is for Vampire: An Illustrated Alphabet of the Undead. Castro is the author of three Andrea Cort novels, six Gustav Gloom books and lots of short stories and novellas. Johnny Atomic, a.k.a. John Jackson, is the head of League Entertainment and specializes in entertainment concept art and cover art. Try not to confuse this book with several others that have similar titles, including Z is for Zombie by Merrily Kutner and John Manders; A Is for Asteroids, Z Is for Zombies: A Bedtime Book about the Coming Apocalypse by Paul Lewis and Kenneth Kit Lamug; Z Is For Zombie by JT Arant; Z is for Zombie: Another Alphabet Book by R.G. Westerman; and Z is for Zombie by Theodore Roscoe and V.E. Pyles, all of which preceded the present book in my Amazon search results. Verily, there is nothing new under the sun.

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