Saturday, October 17, 2015

145. Hymn for the 10th Sunday after Trinity

The Epistle for this service is 1 Corinthians 12:1-11, a passage concerning spiritual gifts. The Gospel is Luke 19:41-48, Jesus weeping over Jerusalem and driving the merchants out of the temple. The tune I selected is FINNISH SONG from Suomen Koraalikirja, 1738, which interests me as a sort of major-key twin to the chorale DER AM KREUZ.
Howsoever you be gifted,
Fellow saints, be not deceived;
Some with kindred gifts were lifted
When dumb idols they believed,
Yet in helpless darkness drifted
Till the Spirit they received.

Oracles and tongues may flower
Though there be no Christian seed;
Only by the Spirit's power
Can we honor Christ indeed.
Therefore faith, at any hour,
Is our first and greatest need.

None can say, who has the Spirit,
That Christ Jesus is accursed,
Nor confess His name and fear it
Had He not confessed them first.
Other gifts we may inherit
Once on Him our hopes are nursed.

Though our gifts may greatly vary
God, who works in all, is one;
One is Jesus, born of Mary,
Though He also is God's Son.
Shall His members work contrary
To the body, on their own?

Gifts of grace like tongues and healing
May serve all, or may divide
Saint from saint with party feeling;
Better were they set aside!
Fix your eyes on Christ, so dealing
That His church be edified!

If you be uniquely gifted,
Fellow saints, be not puffed up!
Some God favors to be sifted,
Pouring pain into their cup.
By one grace we all are lifted;
On one living Bread we sup.

Let us glorify the Father
For His gifts of life and grace,
And the Son, our Lord and Brother,
Who gave all to save our race;
Nor neglect the Spirit - rather
Laud each Person in His place!

Nor let any be mistaken
What the Spirit's mission is:
Faith in Jesus to awaken,
Giving us of what is His,
Till with confidence unshaken
We cross over into bliss!

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